Hey guys, it’s time for our monthly gathering for food, fellowship, and Biblical teaching.
Official start time is 8:30 AM, but come early for coffee and get in some extra fellowship. Breakfast is typically served around 8:45-ish. After breakfast we’ll have a short teaching time followed by a group discussion. We ask for a minimum $5 donation so we can continue to be self-funded. Bring a friend. All are welcome.
We’ll be meeting at our usual place, the Roselle American Legion located at 344 E Maple Ave in Roselle (where Route 316 meets for their Sunday gatherings).
The kitchen could use a few more guys to help this year. If you would be willing to show up early to help with breakfast prep and cooking, please reach out to Pozie at tpoze1@comcast.net.
Questions? Email Pozie at tpoze1@comcast.net