Hey guys, it’s time for our monthly gathering for Food, Fellowship, and Fluid-Intelligence. What does that mean? No idea, but it’s alliterative, which makes it exciting, expressive, entertaining, and educational. Maybe it’ll even help us understand the Bible better.
Official start time is 8:30 AM. Breakfast is typically served around 8:45-ish. After breakfast we’ll have a short teaching time followed by a group discussion. We ask for a minimum $5 donation so we can continue to be self-funded. Come early for coffee and get in some extra fellowship time. Bring a friend. All are welcome.
We’ll be meeting at our usual place, the Roselle American Legion located at 344 E Maple Ave in Roselle (where Route 316 meets for their Sunday gatherings).
If you have any question or would like to help with breakfast prep and cooking, please reach out to Pozie at tpoze1@comcast.net